Sunday, May 23, 2010

From the rooster to the donkey

Passer du coq à l'âne. I love this expression, probably because I do it from time to time.

It's when you're talking about one subject and then you jump to a completely unrelated subject with no transition at all.

To be truthful, there is always a link for me, it just may not be apparent to everyone. And I am usually able to loop it back around so that, in the end, it all makes sense. I have a few friends who have similar conversation styles so they trust my sense of direction. Those who don't usually smile and watch me draw swirls.

Conversations are spirals and swirls, as opposed to straight lines, aren't they?


The Girl from Lokhandwala said...

Yes, they are and I use them more often than I should...often forgetting my way back :)

Anonymous said...

I like.

JMH said...

I think that everything is spirals and swirls and that straight lines are a comforting illusion, which, don't get me wrong, I will indulge in. I also think that the essential component of life is made of light so white it's blue, so, go figure...

Nicole said...

TGFL - Then we would understand each other perfectly.

Anon - hmm

JMH - That all sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

philippe said...

Il m'arrive également et fréquemment de changer de sujet dans une conversation, apparemment sans lien mais en réalité une idée sous-jacente me conduit à m'exprimer ainsi, au grand dam de mon interlocuteur du moment. De ce fait, je suis parfois conduit à devoir expliquer le cheminement de ma pensée. Il y a toujours une relation !