Saturday, February 10, 2024

I am here for you

The ground vibrates, plates of land slide and crumble, everyone moves, shifted to a new place.

In this land reconfigured, I watch you stand and wonder, confused and still.  You ask, “Then who am I if I am not that one?” You know there is no answer to that question, only ideas that will never be true. Or maybe they’ll be true for a moment, but never accurate.  You ask it anyway, we all do. 

I have no more answers than you, but I do have something to offer. My deepest devotion to what you bring to each moment, forever. 

So let the tears fall and I will drink them all, for they are homeopathic remedies.  My tongue welcomes the salt of your struggles. 

And show me your rage and I will let it burn me, for those flames cleanse and forge.  My skin marvels as it burns and blisters and heals. 

Give me your angst and anguish and I will lap them up, for sour and bitter flavors bring balance and contrast.  My mouth waters for your twists and turns. 

Play your drama and theatrics, I delight in the spectacular spectacle they create, for they whisper to parts within. I have season tickets for all your shows. 

Amplify your deepest pleasure, your most ecstatic jouissance, for your ecstasy is nectar. I could live on its nourishment alone.

More, more, give me more. I will be your greatest lover, I will love it all.

You are not everyone’s medicine, but you are mine. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
