Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Something that makes my day

Or even my week.

Getting packages from friends and family. I honestly don't even care what's it the package. It's just like getting a sweet piece of home from someone who cares. It's so nice. We got three packages this week. One from Beth with ginger chews. Hot and sweet. Everything in life should be hot and sweet.

And then 2 (two!) packages from my brother and sister-in-law, with magazines and candy for the boys (they were thrilled - peanut butter cups are to them what ginger chews are to me), and even more ginger chews. Which Boy1 has now decided he likes. It's funny to watch him eat them. He always keeps a glass of water nearby.

So, friends and family and amazon.com, thank you all for thinking of us and sending things from time to time.


Anonymous said...

you're welcome. you've got me hooked on ginger chews too - and I agree with boy1 - a glass of water near by is helpful!

Anonymous said...

Guilty guilty! You should have one more package to add to the 3 already received. You can thank amazon.com one more time. Coming soooonnn!

Unknown said...

i still don't get the appeal of ginger chews...

Nicole said...

Beth - Sorry for the additional addiction.

Anon- Not guilty. Busy.

Christina - you're not old enough yet to understand the appeal of hot and sweet at the same time.

Unknown said...

pulling the age card on ginger chews? haha

Anonymous said...

Nicole - doesn't it kind of suck that we are old enough to actually pull the age card?!?!