Friday, February 09, 2007

Bitch, bitch, bitch

Boy2 has had the stomach flu, otherwise known as laundry hell, for 4 days. He woke me up 5, that's right, 5 times, last night to cry, vomit, whine or some combo of all three. He's pitiful and I'm exhausted.

Our landlord, and I use that name loosely, finally agreed to pay a professional to paint the shutters and windows. He's professional alright. A nice and very professional mess maker. There's a centimeter of dust EVERYWHERE in my house. Because he had to scrape 20 years of old paint off the windows. So actually, I probably have a centimeter of leaded dust EVERYWHERE in my house. And the smell of paint is so strong in the office I can only spend four minutes on the computer before I start to get dizzy.

I have two friends who live far away who are having a hard time right now. And there's not much I can do about it. Sucks too, because they're both so kind and generous and compassionate and funny and smart and they don't even know how much they are admired and loved by their friends. I'm sure of it. Somewhere along the line they got into the habit of not seeing their value and apparently the people who live close to them aren't saying often enough or clearly enough, "You're so cool. I love you."

Actually, good things about great people are probably not said enough. Beth, Julie, Beth, Kim, Alecia, Wendy, Geraldine, Adrienne, Maria, Lorraine, Jenny, Meg, Tanya, Amy, Audrey, Shelly (gosh, if I left someone out I'm going to feel like crap) - you are all amazing women and I feel priviledged to have had you in my life. For some of you, it's been a while, but believe me, you left a beautiful imprint on my life. Never forget how valuable you are.

Our trip home this summer is looking less and less likely to happen. I haven't been home in 4 years and that's just too long.

Ok, I'll stop bitching now. I have to anyway, I'm starting to get dizzy...


Anonymous said...

Sucks about boy2. Check your email.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about boy2-hope he is better very soon. Thank you - your comments made me feel very special - and it's nice to feel special.
Do you have a air purifier you can put somewhere in your house to help with the fumes - we used one during our remodel and it really helped.

Unknown said...

Less likely? Ohhh noooo...

Doc said...

Yummy lead paint dust! Fun, and oh so healthy.

Glad I'm not the only one in a rant mood today.

Lorraine said...

Poor baby. (And I mean you).

Hope little squiz feels better soon.

Nicole said...

Zeb - Sucks even more now that Boy1 has it too.

Beth - You are special. It's not that cold here right now so we've been leaving the windows open off and on during the day.

Christina - I haven't give up all hope yet.

Doc - I've read your last post and I think you have even more to rant about than me. Email me re bed.

Lorraine - Boy2 started to feel better just as Boy1 took over vomit duty. They're such a great team.

screamish said...

Just recovered from that same stomache flu, the POOR thing...

Not home for 4 years, either. BUT last week I bit the bullet and wrote a huge check for a flight home.

It's boosted morale no end! Now I'm wondering what it will be like...the last time was 4 years too.

You feel like a stranger at home...wierd. You should try and do it soon so that doesnt affect you so much!