Monday, May 07, 2007

It's a good thing

So, we've got a new president.

This is the second presidential election I've witnessed here. Although I barely count the first because I didn't pay much attention at all. Lionel Jospin, who was thought to be Chirac's main contender, looked too much like a mad scientist for me to take seriously. Yes, I'm superficial that way.

So, this time, I paid attention. And listened to the speeches and read the papers and all that. Her, I couldn't stand. Listening to her talk was like watching a knat fly. Directionless. Random.

Him, I liked. For several reasons. I think a lot of things need to be dealt with in France, health care and retirement among others. And with her as president, I could easily imagine Husband paying even more to URSSAF (otherwise known as the devil) than he already does, and believe me, it's already way too much. Solidarity is fine and beautiful and all that but between the devil, payroll taxes, professional taxes, and I don't even know what else, 60% of his firm's total sales goes to soli-freakin-darity and taxes. Enough already.

There were a few of things I really liked about this campaign. First, religion was NEVER, not once, mentioned. He's Jewish, in a vastly Catholic country and no one gives a crap. And I just think that is fabulous.

Second, the campaign ended Thursday night at midnight. No tracts, no mailings, no debates, no nothing. Realtive peace and quiet for 2 days before election day.

Third, the media here are required by law to give equal air-time to both candidates of the second round. Money doesn't change a thing.

So, is it a good thing? I hope so. Ask me in a year.

My biggest fear has nothing to do with what he will do, but with people's reactions to what he will do.


Anonymous said...

I think your quote of ". . .the media here are required by law to give equal air-time to both candidates of the second round. Money doesn't change a thing." just made all of the US canidates gasp with fear. Gotta love that!

Nicole said...

Beth - I wish I could scare a US politician.

Lorraine said...

I also like the fact that the election is over and he's sworn in next week. No messing around.

NPR certainly made it sound like people were voting their pocket books in this one. Hope it works out for y'all.

Nicole said...

Lorraine - yeah, I like that part too. Out with the old etc etc. No lame ducks.

Anonymous said...

I really don't care who your president is unless he can help the EURO.

Nicole said...

Zeb - I think you've got it confused. The Euro's doing just fine, better than fine even. The dollar, on the other hand, isn't. Talk to your president about it.

Anonymous said...

I do hope that Sarkozy can initiate the changes that France needs. Because France needs to change...

Nicole said...

Hey Ali - I agree. Although I'm still much happier to be living here.

JChevais said...

I agree about everything you said.

I also could not stand Her.

Solidarity is nice but not if it pulls the middle class into the dust.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Nicole! I just came across your blog and thought I'd leave a message. Another thing I liked about the election, in addition to religion not being mentioned, was that no one made an issue out of the fact that Royale and Hollande aren't married. I didn't even realize they weren't until someone mentioned reading about it in an American newspaper. That would have been a huge scandal in the States, an unmarried woman (gasp!)trying to become president.