Tuesday, June 30, 2009

From Paris

The first thing I must say is how kind people are.  From the taxi ride from my house to the train employees to fellow passengers to random travelers in Montparnasse.  All those people were exceptionally nice and helpful.  Helping the single mother traveling with two children carry bags and navigate stairs, locate misplaced train wagons, conquer escalators, and find bandaids and disinfectant wipes when Boy2 fell and was bleeding from both knees.  

Seriously, don't believe anything bad you hear about the French.  



Ksam said...

I've been in Paris for a year now and people have been nothing BUT friendly - it's almost like living in a different country when compared to what I experienced in Bretagne. So I'm starting to think that people en province tell them sells Paris sucks and that Parisians are mean, rude, etc just so they don't feel bad about not living there! ;)

Nicole said...

Hey Sam - The west of France is not really known for its outgoing and friendly nature - that's for sure. Sociologists say it's because of the historical lack of proximity to foreigners, no borders etc. In their defense, I do have to say that I find Paris much more agreeable now than 15 years ago.

Lorraine said...

I never do.

Ksam said...

Funny, I'd always heard it was because Bretagne was constantly being attacked in all directions (by the Romans, les Normands, the English, other French kings, etc).